Board of Trustees

Executive Committee
Mindy Stroh, President
Sean O’Reilly, President Elect
Therese Koomar, Vice President Finance
Beth Zellers, Vice President Operations

Krysten Aquino
John Bilardo
Jeff Elliott
Luke Elsass
Jason Guyer
Bridget Hawes
Jeff Koehler
Jason Lariccia
Teresa Messmore
Matt Peters
David Root
Laurie Somerville

Honorary Trustee
Mark Mutch

Keith Ashmus
Peter Comodeca
Gary Ebert
Tom Jelepis
Al Paulus
Sarah Urbancic
Eileen Vernon
Richard Veres
Don Zwilling

Charter Members

Keith & Marie Ashmus
Peter, Marilyn & Peter II Comodeca
The George W. Codington Charitable Foundation
Sonia Coulton Family In Memory of Richard Coulton
The Curtiss Family, Gary & Pam Ebert
Lute & Susan Harmon
The Hasting Family
Jim & Bonnie Hunt
Jim & Peggy Joyce
Dr. & Mrs. Clay Kelly
Dick & Betsy Martin In Memory of John Parker
James Cowles and Dale Smith
John & Patricia Matyas In Memory of John & Margaret Matyas
Craig & Patricia McAllester
Tim & Mary McManamon
James & Joyce Mraz
John O’Neill
Bradley Bay Health Center
Mr. & Mrs. William Oatey
Anonymous Donor
Jim & Judy Potter
Capt. & Mrs. Donald Ramsden
James & Elizabeth Redinger
Wayne & Jeanne Reese
Peter & Bonnie Rekstis
The Sutherland Family & Friends In Memory of John R. Livingston
Donald & Eileen Vernon
Ian & Barbara Woodburn
Denny & Janice Woods
Don and Denise Zwilling In Memory of Rev. Francis B. Zwilling